Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Presque Isle, MI

Yesterday we motored 64 miles from Lexington to Harrisville with winds from 12 to 15 kn. It was a rough day, and we were glad to get into port. Had dinner on board, and then crew from the marina drove us to an ice cream shop, where we had key lime ice cream cones and walked back. Today was a rainy day with light winds and fog at times. We passed two square riggers in the fog, looking like ghost ships, on our 52 mile journey.
We pulled into the marina at Presque Isle just as a small squall was there to greet us. Needless to say, we got quite wet even in foul weather gear. I will bring my boots next time.
John's cousin, Babs, who lives in Presque Isle, came to our boat - then we went to dinner and had delicious great lakes white fish. After dinner we drove around, and this area of Michigan is just gorgeous -- pine forests everywhere and inland lakes, and sparkling views of Lake Huron. It would be a lovely place to live, except there are no stores - one has to drive miles to go shopping. Tomorrow our destination is Cheboygan, a town near the Straights. The winds are supposed to be 15 to 20 from the NW - the direction we are heading. If it gets too uncomfortable we will pull into Rogers City. We plan to get to Mackinac Island by Friday.

1 comment:

  1. What a neat picture of the square rigger... it really does look like a ghost ship in the fog! Glad to see you're almost to your final destination :)
