Sunday, May 16, 2010

From Kent Narrows to the C&D Canal

We left Kent Narrows, Maryland, yesterday morning at 9:00 a.m. Our long-time sailing friends, Gary & Kathy Pritchard are joining us for the first half of our trip and will be with us until we get to Erie, PA.
On Thursday night (the night before we left, we ate dinner together at nearby Harris's Crab House. We have so much food on board that we could be stranded for a month and not run out.
On Saturday the weather was warm, 75 degrees, and sunny. Winds were from the N/NW at 15 + knots; however, we had to motor most of the day because we were headed into the wind. We arrived at Summit Marina in the C&D canal just before 5:00 p.m. We watched the Preakness while nibbling on Brie, grapes and crackers and sipping on Champagne, and later cooked dinner on board.

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