Tuesday, June 29, 2010

Life is Good in Traverse City!

Enjoyed our first full day in our marina. My brother & sister-in-law, Tony and Lynn, came to our boat from our family cabin that we share on Elk Lake. We ate lunch at the "Tuscan Bistro" just across the road from our marina, and we all had a delicious lunch.
Then to the cabin - a 40 mile drive - and we picked up our car that we had left in early May -- visited with some friends - picked up a gourmet pizza in Elk Rapids, and went on our way back to our boat. The picture at above right was taken as we sat in our cockpit eating our gourmet pizza.
The picture above left is the view looking south from our boat -- Michigan skies can be soo blue and pretty and the water too. The water in the northern great lakes is so clear that you can see the bottom at over 20 feet deep.
We have had a lot of chilly/rainy/windy weather in the past week, but starting tomorrow the temps will rise, so by the week-end we will hit 80 degrees! Just in time for the holiday week-end.
We have come 1420 nautical miles, and everything has gone well during the last 6 weeks. We will be living on Island Time for another 2 weeks, and then we move in to our cabin on Elk Lake. -- Will spend a few days together with Tony & Lynn at the cabin before they leave. We will be attending the Wabigama 4th of July picnic. (Wabigama is where our cabin is).
We anticipate a visit with John's cousin Mary & husband Ed & their son & family, as they have informed us that they have rented cottages on Lake Leelenau in July.
So.... this is the end of our blog, and thank you everyone for following it! We have heard from a few people who have followed the blog and we welcome all comments at: Locke806@atlanticbb.net

Monday, June 28, 2010

Traverse City, MI

We're heeerrre -- Centre Point Marina in Traverse City. So glad to arrive!
We left Charlevoix at 8:30, just behind the ferryboat to Beaver Island (picture left). Picture right is of one of the "mushroom houses" of Charlevoix. As we went out into Lake Michigan we were surrounded by black clouds, but it never rained the whole trip. Winds were out of the NW at 15 to 25 and we sailed the entire way. Waves were 3 to 4 ft. at our quarter, and Island Time handled the waves & wind superbly.
Picture above left is of our marina, taken as we arrived.
We have one last blog to post - tomorrow my brother & sister-inn-law are coming to our boat to welcome us, so I will post pics.

Sunday, June 27, 2010

Charlevoix, MI

We left Mackinaw Island at 8:30 this morning on a cool, overcast morning with light winds. We went under the "Might Mac", the Straights of Mackinac Bridge (picture left), and entered Lake Michigan, leaving Lake Huron behind.
We cruised 60 miles with light winds and overcast and occasionally rainy skies. We arrived at the channel in Charlevoix in time for the 3:30 opening of the bridge and proceeded to our marina (Charlevoix Municipal Marina). In years past we have driven to Charlevoix many times and envyied people on their "yachts" at this marina. This time it was us, and a few people stopped by and said that we had a beautiful boat. We were; however, dwarfed by some of the bigger power boats.
After getting settled, we walked over to the main street of Charlevoix, which is Bridge Street, and went to the Great Lakes Whitefish & Chips. We had not been to this restaurant before because it was always so crowded, and now we know why it is such a popular place. We had the most excellent fish & chips - whitefish -- that one can ever have - yow.
After tomorrow, no more fried food, fudge, ice cream cones -- and we will eat healthy (we have been eating healthy except for the past two days). We will get back to exercising again, but must say that we have had a good workout with six weeks of climbing all over the boat with running lines, fenders, sails and all that.
Tomorrow we reach Traverse City, our FINAL DESTINATION!!
Will report in again after we reach TC.

Saturday, June 26, 2010

Mackinac Island

We made it to Mackinac Island yesterday afternoon after a long & rainy passage from Presque Isle. We left at 7:30 and motored for 70 miles -- a chilly day in the high 50's, but winds were light.
When we arrived here it wasn't raining, luckily, but about half an hour later heavy rain began and we were holed up below for several hours -- but cooked & ate a chicken cacciatore dinner -- after that the rain stopped and we walked around on the main streets of Mackinac Island.
This historic island has a large fort; the Grand Hotel with the world's longest balcony; and all homes were build in the Victorian era (newer ones are built to blend in with the same style). Motorized vehicles are banned, so the only way around is by horse & buggy, or on bicycle. It is one of the most charming places on earth.
This morning we had breakfast at a restaurant -- and enjoyed it very much - I had banana French toast, John had blueberry pancakes & eggs & we split a side of bacon . In the afternoon we got out our bikes and rode around the island - 8 miles -- a wonderful and scenic ride. By the time we got back to the boat, the sun was coming out and it began to get warm, so we walk to one of the numerous ice cream shops and bought two cherry Mackinac Island fudge ice cream cones -- sat on a bench to enjoy.
We are at the most northern point of our journey -- just south of the 46th parallel -- we started out at the 39th parallel.
Tomorrow we will go to Charlevoix to get ahead of some more bad weather coming this way.

Thursday, June 24, 2010

Still in Presque Isle

The winds were too strong to attempt going out on Lake Huron. Boats were coming into the marina seeking refuge. So we had a chill out day -- and what fun it was. --Hooked up with Babs again --in the afternoon we took a sight seeing drive up to Rogers City and bought some fresh smoked white fish and smoked salmon, various cheeses, veggies, fruit, etc. -- Drove back to her house (now it's 5:00) and sat on the ground-level deck with a bottle of Kendell Jackson and all the food we had bought and just had a wonderful, relaxing time for several hours. Birch trees, spruces, firs and other cool trees + lots flowers + fresh northern air provided the backdrop for our really cool northern Michigan evening.
Pictures: View from the deck (right) and John & Babs (right).
Tomorow the prediction is for light winds, so we will go all the way to Mackinac Island.

Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Presque Isle, MI

Yesterday we motored 64 miles from Lexington to Harrisville with winds from 12 to 15 kn. It was a rough day, and we were glad to get into port. Had dinner on board, and then crew from the marina drove us to an ice cream shop, where we had key lime ice cream cones and walked back. Today was a rainy day with light winds and fog at times. We passed two square riggers in the fog, looking like ghost ships, on our 52 mile journey.
We pulled into the marina at Presque Isle just as a small squall was there to greet us. Needless to say, we got quite wet even in foul weather gear. I will bring my boots next time.
John's cousin, Babs, who lives in Presque Isle, came to our boat - then we went to dinner and had delicious great lakes white fish. After dinner we drove around, and this area of Michigan is just gorgeous -- pine forests everywhere and inland lakes, and sparkling views of Lake Huron. It would be a lovely place to live, except there are no stores - one has to drive miles to go shopping. Tomorrow our destination is Cheboygan, a town near the Straights. The winds are supposed to be 15 to 20 from the NW - the direction we are heading. If it gets too uncomfortable we will pull into Rogers City. We plan to get to Mackinac Island by Friday.

Monday, June 21, 2010

Harbor Beach, MI

We left Port Huron yesterday morning, went under the Blue Water Bridge and out into Lake Erie. There were Sunday sailboat races going on all over the place on the big lake. The wind was out of the East/North East at 10 to 15, and we SAILED for 16 miles on one tack all the way to Lexington Marina. This is our first day of complete sailing with no engine -- was great! I took a picture, but it was on the wrong setting and turned out overexposed, so no pictures this time.
We left Lexington, MI, this morning and motored to Harbor Beach. We had a reservation at the marina but ran hard aground because the entrance was less than 5' and we draw 5'5". It took about half an hour to get free, and we weren't about to try again to enter the marina, so we left and anchored nearby inside the big breakwater. Dinner aboard was --hearty vegetable soup, salmon patties, and fresh baked rolls. We seem to eat well wherever we are, whether on shore or at anchor!
Tomorrow we head north, and our destination is north of Tawas, and on Wednesday we want to be in Presque Isle so that we can visit John's cousin, Babs. --Thursday in Cheboygen.
Our plan is to be in Mackinac Island over the week-end - what a delightful thought! So far, since being in Michigan, we haven't had any bad weather to slow us down, so we are crossing our fingers for the good weather to continue!